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广州市凌微电子是专业从事CCTV视频设备的制造商之一,拥有雄厚的技术力量。自成立以来,源源不断的推出技术领先的视频设备,其产品性能稳定、技术先进、已被广泛应用于商业、工业、、军事等各个领域。 产品以质、效、新为立业之本,我们为用户提供的的不仅是全系列的产品,而且为用户提供全方位的服务。 产品由设计至品质控制都力求达到世界领先水准Novation Electronic Technology Corporation is a rapidly developing manufacturer majored in electronic security and optical communication. Under the conception “to innovate in science and technology, to inspire the future”, she dedicatedly and sincerely provides specialized digital security solutions in highly standard design, with low price and perfect service to her customers since established. [详细介绍]